“The value of the CDE comes from the desire to create broader ownership for development and reduce gaps in wealth.”

Community Projects

This notion extends to an awareness of the gap between development plans and cultural and environmental concerns. To varying degrees, every country experiences such gaps, and economic growth is necessary but not sufficient for closing them. The proper response is one that extends to the social, economic, cultural and governmental sides of a society. The CDE services are a step in this direction.

How we are meeting the challenge

Our organization is exceptionally focused on a holistic approach to sustainable development using a human right based approach (HRBA) and targeting communities to achieve sustainability and prosperity. We work with our partners to make this possible along and across value chains to deliver impactful business solutions to the most challenging sustainability issues.

Our Community Projects cover the following areas:


Food, Soil & Land

Cities & Mobility


Community Value

Waste Management

Health Care

Education & Training

Governance of Community Projects

The value of the CDE comes from the desire to create broader ownership for development and reduce gaps in wealth.

This notion extends to an awareness of the gap between development plans and cultural and environmental concerns. To varying degrees every country experiences such gaps, and economic growth is necessary but not sufficient for closing them. The proper response is one that extends to the social, economic, cultural and governmental sides of a society. The CDE initiative is a step in this direction, and engages with several relevant aspects of rebuilding the community in the services it aims to facilitate.

The success of these community projects to achieve their objectives relies on how it is will be promoted in the local community and how it will be governed. All the Community Projects will be directly owned and managed by the community.

A separate company will be formed for each project. The community will own the company and the purpose of the company is to manage the project in a transparent way involving the community in the process.

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