“CDE will expressly apply an HRBA in its projects. In addition, personal wellbeing, social cohesion and inclusion will be promoted and equal opportunities will be created”

Guiding Principals

(A) Good governance

CDE actively promotes effective and participative systems of governance at all levels of society. By promoting good governance CDE can engage peoples’ creativity, energy and diversity. Promoting Good Governance also carries the obligation to establish administrative efficiency and ensure that objectives can be met in a timely manner.

(B) Sustainable development

CDEs projects aim at building sustainable economies, which will continue to provide prosperity and opportunities. Also, these projects will be designed to place environmental and social costs on those who impose them and to operate within relevant resource and environmental constraints, and the implications of using resources on future generations will be carefully considered.

(C) Popular participation

CDE projects ensure that participation is active, free and meaningful extending to the inclusion of civil society, minorities, women, children and others. Thus the diverse needs of all people in existing and future communities will aim to be met. In addition, personal wellbeing, social cohesion and inclusion will be promoted and equal opportunities will be created. Popular Participation contains the broad goal to empower societies to develop in such a way that is most beneficial to them. People need to have the capacities and access to improve their communities and influence their own lives.

(D) Human rights

CDE will expressly apply a HRBA in its projects. Development goals will be framed in terms of the relevant international human rights commitments, explicitly taking human rights obligations into account at every stage of development processes (from the identification of needs through to policy and program identification, as well as implementation, monitoring and evaluation).

(E) Effective policy

CDE’s Projects will ensure that policy is developed and implemented on the basis of strong empirical evidence. A precautionary approach will be adopted and public attitudes and values will be strongly considered. Thus, this adaptable approach and can mold to the characteristics of individual communities, creating effective policy that reflects the needs of different societies is a crucial element of CDE’s projects.

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